Fun-Schooling Journal ages 3 to 7
My five year old was very excited when I bought him his own journal. He started it right away. This journal is geared toward children ages 3 to 7 but my 8 year old daughter also enjoys doing it. I often find her doing it in her spare time. Over the next couple months I plan to do several reviews of different books from this same author.
First, I came across Dyslexia Games (The Thinking Tree) a couple years back, when my 12 year old daughter was having a difficult time learning to read and even recognizing numbers. Her younger sister was getting ahead of her. I began to research Dyslexia and found out that I myself have some form of it. I ordered the Dyslexia Games Series A and B in e-book format. I used those with her and her sister for a few months. It seemed to be working. She was able to recognize differences she couldn't before. She was able to concentrate. I was very excited. She began reading and gaining confidence.
Well, to be honest, we sat the Dyslexia games aside for a while and went about homeschooling. I then decided we needed so changes in our home school. Things were feeling out of wack. So, I started praying and talking to God about what I would like for our home school. I have a love for books and I really would like to share that love with my children. All they want to do is play video games. So anyways, I buy books as I come across them load my shelves until they are overflowing and all they do is sit there and collect dust. While we go about follow curriculum X. Curriculum X is great, it's just not what I am looking for. So, some how I find my way back to Dyslexia Games face book page and low and behold they are asking for moms to review their new journals. I am thrilled to say I was chosen as one.
Now, my five year old is just now learning his sounds for letters, he is still in the pre-reading stage. I am taking a very gentle approach with him. After the nightmare I went through with my darling 12 year old, I have learned to follow their lead. They let me know when they are ready.
Back to the journal, sorry! This Fun Journal is just that...FUN! Ans best of all we get to use all those books I had been buying and collecting the past few years. You start off by letting your child draw four things they want to learn about. Then you get books on those topics and go from there.
My little guy said he wanted to learn about:
1. Coloring in the lines
2. The Moon
3. Spaceships
4. Spelling
What is great about #1 is the journal is full of awesome pictures to color and he now uses his "special markers" to color in the lines. Before it was I hate coloring, I don't want to do this, this is boring. Now though, since he decided he wanted to learn this he takes his time and does a great job.
We went to the library and found loads of books on the moon and spaceships and read them together. It sparked interesting discussions. Spelling we haven't worked on much but the door is there.
So, yes these journals may seem like basic bare bones to some. But they are meant to be used as a starting point. You add the books, activities and discussions. For my family it has been an answer to prayer. The children get to learn more about things that interest them and we are finally reading the books I have so longed to read with them. We are having fun while learning and creating awesome memories together.
Keep a look out for more reviews on these great books.
Here are some links:
Linking up with Homeschooling 6