So Dyslexia Games is letting a few mom bloggers review some of their products. This is wonderful for me. I have bought and used some of their workbooks for my children. They were a God send. I saw a vast improvement in my child's learning skills. She was able to concentrate and learn her reading and math easier. It has been a hard road for her. When I saw the new items Dyslexia Games had to offer I was excited to try, but it hadn't fit in our budget this year. So I am more than excited to review for this awesome company. So many great books to choose from. I home school four children ages 16, 12, 8 & 5. Here are my top choices for review:
These are Christian books but they do offer a secular option as well. So hop on over to their Facebook page or their website. They have lots to offer. Also, they have treated me nice as a customer on more than one occasion. Look for my review of their products soon.
Happy homeschooling.