Saturday, September 26, 2015

So Dyslexia Games is letting a few mom bloggers review some of their products. This is wonderful for me. I have bought and used some of their workbooks for my children. They were a God send. I saw a vast improvement in my child's learning skills. She was able to concentrate and learn her reading and math easier. It has been a hard road for her. When I saw the new items Dyslexia Games had to offer I was excited to try, but it hadn't fit in our budget this year. So I am more than excited to review for this awesome company.  So many great books to choose from. I home school four children ages 16, 12, 8 & 5.  Here are my top choices for review:

These are Christian books but they do offer a secular option as well. So hop on over to their Facebook page or their website. They have lots to offer. Also, they have treated me nice as a customer on more than one occasion. Look for my review of their products soon. 
Happy homeschooling.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

My First Hands-On Bible

New Living Translation

I was so excited to get this Bible in the mail. I began to read it immediately to my five year old. He really seemed to enjoy it. It sparked questions in him and we had great little talks. We have the blue one of these. It is geared at ages 3-6. I think it is the perfect bite size pieces for children in that age. 85 Bible stories are recorded and are very easy to read and understand. Beautiful color illustrations. Each story has a Jesus connection and activity. It makes learning the Bible stories fun and engaging. This would be a great gift. I received my free copy to review from Tyndale.